What have I done today ? Well actually I've been extremely lazy today.
Woke up early, watched a shitty movie while I read my book, took a shower and finally left the building around 10 am.
At first I felt guilty about it but then I thought; Hey it's your holiday man, you can do what you want. Ease up a little and enjoy your laziness while you still can.
But after my slow start I decided to make up for it and started to look around Luang Prabang by daylight and it blew me right out of my socks !!!!
This town is so beautiful, no wonder it's a UNESCO site.
The base is mostly made out of stone like our western houses in the colonial time but finished with Lao style roofs and woodwork, I think nobody could find these houses ugly.
I just fell in love with the houses here and if I could persuade my darling girlfriend to buy one here then I wouldn't doubt for a second. That's how much I like this town, I even like it more than Ubud or Leuven and that says a lot.
Hey, I'm even dreaming of coming to live here permanently, opening up a guesthouse and enjoying the Laos way of life.
As a matter of fact they dislike work as no other, they refuse to do anything that creates stress and their most popular occupation is just hanging around doing nothing and enjoying the day.
I can certainly live with that attitude ;D
The people here are laid back as what you can expect from them, rushing is not in their dictionary so often you have to wait quite some time until you can place your order or get what you ordered.
But hey, no probs for me, I'm in no rush. At least they aren't as pushy as in most other countries where you wished you could file a restraining order against the locals so they 'd at least stay 50 meters away from you.
What can I tell about the rest of this beautiful city ?
Well, all streets are long lanes with lots of trees, actually you see plants everywhere.
In almost every street you find at least one Wat (tempel) which are made up with an eye for great detail. These Wats are maintained by lots of monks who run around here by the dozens in their standard orange monk outfit.
These monks are mostly young boys from the countryside whose parents are too poor to pay for their education, so they choose to become monks instead of a poor farmer.
Each morning these monks have an alm prosession in which they go in a single file through the streets and actually beg the people for donations (money or food).
This town also has 2 markets, a fresh goods market during the day and a handicraft market during the evening. It's quite fun to pass through the fresh goods market to see what they eat here and to have a good taste as well. For practically no money you can have a delicious meal here, which I did of course.
Besides of touring and absorbing the city I've done nothing much but sitting on terraces drinking the most delicious fruitshakes and reading my book.
See ya tomorrow peeps !!!
ps: no pictures because these shitty computers see my camera as a trojan when I try to connect it. I'll try somewhere else tomorrow.
4 opmerkingen:
Hey broerke,
Zalig om je schijfsels te lezen, zelfs in het Engels ...
Ik ben zelfs al wat verslaafd aan het worden, elke avond check ik toch even mijn computer om te zien of je al iets gepost hebt - en om 's avonds nog mijn computer op te zetten, daarvoor moet het al héél speciaal zijn. Dus doe zo verder!
Dikke kussen
hele dikke zoen terug zussie en geef die pagadders van jou een dikke knuf van onkel Hans
what do you mean it's your holiday?? You do this stuff all the time at work!! Get off your bum and visit the city you lazy dog :-) lol!!
groetjes ginder hé maat!! Hoe zit het eigenlijk met Tina, ik lees daar niets over op uw blog, leeft die nog? :-) Groetjes aan haar ook hé!
Hier is't weer potverdikke omgeslagen, 't sneeuwt hier! En ik zit in mijne short...heeeelp!
Hallo globetrotter,
Fijn te weten dat je het zo naar je zin hebt. Fantastisch om je relaas te lezen. Reuze om langs virtuele weg kennis te maken met de architectuur en vooral met de mentale instelling van de lokale bevolking die - in tegenstelling tot de westerse mens - problemen relativeert. Amuseer je en geniet nog met volle teugen! Dikke knufkes
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